Lea Zalinskis makes paper cutout stop motion animations, and has been a contributor for the online collaborative production company Hitrecord.org. Her work has been featured in several animations on the Emmy Award winning television show Hitrecord on TV, some of which can be viewed below.
Full Virgo Moon
Paper cutout stop motion animation
Art direction, assets, and animation by Lea Zalinskis
The Fire Triangle, a charming animation made collaboratively on hitRECord.org.
Art direction and paper cutout visuals by Lea Zalinskis
Key Animation by Felix Ding- http://www.heyfelixding.com/
Fuel Section Animation by David Nelligan
Sound design by Daniel Goh
Additional backgrounds by Taylor Dolan
Concept by Lea Zalinskis and Klaus Zalinskis
Produced by Lea Zalinskis and Felix Ding